The improvised electric fence connected directly to mains. Direct electricity kills - Electric Fencing does not.

"Trashigang police detained a 16-year old boy yesterday after his hand-made electric fencing electrocuted a 65-year old man in Yonphu-Pam under Kanglung gewog.

The 65-year old man died on the spot on October 23 around 7.30 pm when he accidentally stepped on the small electric fencing.

The man was returning home after leaving his cattle to graze a few meters below his house. Yonphu-Pam is about six km from Kanglung gewog.

Kanglung is about 22 kms from Trashigang.

The police, who were informed yesterday morning about the incident found that the fence was connected to a main circuit breaker (MCB) of 200V from a potato store near the suspect’s house.

Used to store potato seedlings, the potato house has an electric fan. The suspect, police said, had joined the naked binding wire directly to the store’s MCB.

In his statement to the police, the suspect confessed to have connected the fence with electricity and had switched on the MCB around 6am. “When he returned after breakfast in a hour’s time, he found the man lying on the ground,” police said.

The suspect who is a neighbour of the deceased also confessed that the fence was constructed for fun. He had pulled the fencing over a barred land about 200 meters from his house.

“The deceased stepped on the fence because it was not visible,” police said. “And the shock killed him before he could remove his feet.”

The suspect, class VI student will be charged for negligent homicide. Meanwhile the victim lived with his six children and wife in Yonphu-pam."

Original report taken from Kuensel, Bhutan's daily news site

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