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We have been receiving calls from customers that foxes have begun to simply jump over the 1m tall chicken netting. As there are many trials and reports of the netting being highly effective we were concerned but waiting for some sort of confirmation. This finally came to a head when...

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By Paul Savory

The Turbomax Sheep Net. Some of the hassles that large scale sheep producers have encountered with sheep netting are primarily caused by two problems. The first is around the rigidity of the net. Netting is very easy to erect but can be a bit floppy and Plain twine detail showing soft twine between horizontals....

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By Paul Savory

In a nutshell - NO. It is currently illegal to apply an electrical current to a fence constructed with a barbed construction throughout Europe - EU regulation IEC 60335-2-76, Annex BB. 2002.The principal reason being that the animal (including people) must be able to escape the electrical current IMMEDIATELY.  The...

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By Paul Savory

Two female elephants were electrocuted to death at Choudwar, on the outskirts of Cuttack, recently after coming in contact with a boosted electric fence on a farm. Forest officers said the two pachyderms, aged 10 and 15 years, had strayed into a farm at Mangarajpur village from nearby Athagarh forest...

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By Paul Savory

Agrisellex is pleased to be able to fill orders from several countries around the world in the last few months. Australia is a country well covered by fencing companies yet we have been able to compete and deliver three orders to Australia including a substantial consignment to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research...

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By Paul Savory
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